Thursday, January 30, 2020

Intros and Conclusions

Today I Will:
-Learn about and write Intro and Conclusions
-Finish crafting the rough draft of my essay

Please Take Out:
-Essay materials (template, notes, blue packet)

Today's Agenda:
1. Analysis
2. Concluding Sentences
3. Intros and Conclusions
4. Begin Typing

Complete rough draft if need be

Essay Typing

Success Criteria:
-Type my final draft of my essay
-Identify areas of strength and weakness in my essay and edit accordingly

Please Take Out:
Essay template
Intro and Conc notes

Today's Agenda:
Write intro and concl
type essay on google classroom
peer edit

Finish all peer edits and write final draft of Smartphone Essay

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Rough Draft

Today I Will:
Craft a rough draft of my argumentative essay

Please Take Out:
essay template

Today's Agenda:
Write Main Claim and Sub Claims
Write Analysis SentencesIntros and Conclusions

Finish rough draft of essay on template

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Argumentative Essay

Today I Will:
Gain a deeper understanding of claims and sub-claims 

-Respond to a prompt by constructing a main claim

Please Take Out:
Blue Packet

Today's Agenda:
Smartphone Argumentative Essay Prompt S20
Brainstorm for Essay
Look at sample paragraph
Gather Evidence 

Write ALL of your Evidence Sentences for your essay on the essay template

Monday, January 27, 2020


Today I Will:
-Review Evidence Sentences
-self-assess my current level of comfort writing ESs
-identify ways in which inferences are made 

Please Take Out:
a blank piece of paper

Today's Agenda:
ES Practice
Writing Academy - Analysis for Non Fiction Articles-F19

None :) Finish Body Paragraph Diagram if need be

Friday, January 24, 2020


Today I Will:
-Review Evidence Sentences
-self-assess my current level of comfort writing ESs
-identify ways in which inferences are made 

Please Take Out:
a chromebook or smartphone

Today's Agenda:
1. ES Stations
2. Check-In
3. Intro to Inference
4. Writing Academy - Analysis for Non Fiction Articles-F19

None :) Finish Body Paragraph Diagram if need be

Thursday, January 23, 2020

ES Polishing

Today I Will:
-self-assess my ability to write an evidence sentence
-use transitions to make my writing smooth and coherent
-provide context to text evidence 
-use citations correctly for non-fiction texts 

Please Take Out:
a chromebook or smartphone

Today's Agenda:
1. Finish ES Intro and Evidence Sentence Kahoot Review
2. Check-In
3. Intro to Inference

None :)

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Evidence Sentences

Today I Will:
-identify the four parts of an evidence sentence and their purpose

-practice crafting my own evidence sentences 

Please Take Out:
Smartphone Packet
Honors Packet
Paragraph Diagram

Today's Agenda:
Collect Blue Packets 
Exit Ticket

Honors:Twenge Article, read and annotate section III (paragraphs 20-28 ).  Identify Claims and Evidence types for section III

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Writing Instruction

Today I Will:
-Learn the parts of an essay and body paragraph
-Demonstrate my understanding by creating a paragraph diagram

Please Take Out:
a chromebook

Today's Agenda:
-TED Talk :Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health? | Bailey Parnell
-Writing Instruction: Essay and body paragraph structure on Google Classroom
Google Slides Instruction
Essay/Paragraph Notes Worksheet
Create Body Paragraph Diagram

Finish Body Paragraph Diagram if need be
Honors: Twenge Article, read and annotate section III (paragraphs 20-28 ).  Identify Claims and Evidence types for section III only

Friday, January 17, 2020

Revolutionizing Society Continued

Today I Will:
Write sentences for vocabulary words for the 2nd article
-Identify and label different types of evidence the second article

Please Take Out:
Smartphone Packet
Honors Homework

Today's Agenda:
Read Article 2 Second Half and identify evidence and claims
Evidence Collector For second article

Honors: Read Section 2 of the Twenge Article and annotate section 2 (paragraphs 11-19).  Identify Claims and Evidence types for section 2 only

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Are Smartphones Revolutionizing Society?

Today I Will:
-Practice using new vocabulary through a short writing practice
-Survey the text for the second article
-Identify and label different types of evidence for the second article

Please Take Out:
Smartphone Packet
Honors Homework

Today's Agenda:
Evidence Collector partner share
Vocabulary Study Article 2
Read Article 2 Para 1-19 and identify evidence

-Tell parents to attend Curriculum Night

Honors: Begin reading Twenge Article, read and annotate section I (paragraphs 1-10).  Identify Claims and Evidence types for section I only

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Types of Evidence

Today I Will:
Identify and label different types of evidence
Gather evidence

Please Take Out:
Your smartphone packet

Today's Agenda:
Teach Evidence Types 
-Reread article 1 and identify evidence
Gather evidence from article 1 on the Evidence Collector

All-  Finish Evidence Collector for article 1 (4-5 entries on EC)
Honors- Survey the text Twenge's Survey The Text

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Smartphones Affecting our Physical and Mental Health

Today I will: 
  • Survey a text by identifying the author's background, reading the first and last paragraph, and making a prediction about what the article will be about.
  • Identify and label different types of evidence in part 1 of the article.
  • Identify and label claims in part one of an article.
  • Write sentences for vocabulary words in part 1 of the article.
Please Take out
a writing utensil

Today's Agenda:

In Lak'ech
1. Survey the text
Article 1: How Smartphone Addiction Is Affecting Our Physical And Mental Health
2. Introduce Claims

Honors Only: Complete Vocab activity for extended Article

Let's Get Started!

Monday, January 13, 2020

Intro to Rhetoric

Today I Will:
-Be able to explain the term "Rhetoric"
-Survey the text to gain background information and make predictions

Please Take Out:
Your blue packet
A chromebook

Today's Agenda:
In Lak'ech
Rhetoric Pre-Test
Intro to Rhetoric 
Survey the text 


Honors complete Vocab for Twenge Article for HW

Friday, January 10, 2020

I forgot my phone

Image result for teens using cell phones
Today I will: 
  • respond to a survey via Google forms
  • break down and understand a prompt by completing a do/what chart
  • discuss survey results and relate to writing prompt
Please Take out
a writing utensil
signed syllabus

Today's Agenda:
1. Appointment Clock set up
2. Watch "I forgot My Phone"
3. Complete a Google Survey
4. Break down our first writing prompt
5. Vocab XWord for Article 1

Buy supplies if need be

Let's Get Started!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Let's get started!

Today I Will:
-learn about the Humanities I course via the syllabus
-join a Google Classroom and participate in a Digital Challenge
-participate in a four corners activity, provide opinion on a topic, engage in a whole class discussion

Please Take Out:
Writing utensil

Today's Agenda:
In Lak'ech

Buy required supplies for Humanities (see syllabus)

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Mrs. West's English Class 

Today I will: 
  • get to know my new English teacher and classmates
  • learn about the Humanities program
  • understand what is expected of me and what I can expect of my teacher
  • gain an understanding of Honors versus College Prep
Please Take out
A Pen or Pencil

Today's Agenda:
Investigate the Teacher
Honors Vs. College Prep

Discuss Honors explanation and parent signature with parents due Friday

Let's Get Started!